吴涛,工学博士,教授;Email: wut@cuit.edu.cn
1. 国家重点研发计划“多尺度全球大气数值模式物理过程和资料同化系统研究--多尺度大气模式的集成检验与评估”(2018YFC1507100)。
2. 国家重点研发计划“重大自然灾害监测预警与防范”重点专项,“基于非结构网格的天气-气候一体化模式动力框架研发”(2017YFC1502200)。
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“面向大气数据的物理引导深度学习研究”,(42075142)。
7 四川省科技重点研发计划面上项目,“基于移动边缘计算的气象设施智能巡检技术研究”;
8. 四川省科技支撑计划项目,“多目标相关性量子行为粒子群优化算法研究”(2016RZ0053)。
9. 国家信息气象中心,“任意位置实况分析产品研制原型软件开发”;
10. 国家信息气象中心,“优化实况融合分析算法及模块软件开发”;
1Xi Chen, Gang Sun, Tao Wu*, Ling Liu, Hongfang Yu, Mohsen Guizani, RANCE: a Randomly Centralized and On-Demand Clustering Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Internet of Things Journal,VOL. 14, NO. 8, 2021,DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2022.3188679 (Top 期刊)
2Tao Wu, Xinyu Wu, Jingjue Chen, Xi Chen, Amir Homayoon Ashrafzadeh,A Novel Metaheuristic Algorithm: The Team Competition and Cooperation Optimization Algorithm,Computers, Materials & Continua 2022, 73(2), 2879-2896. Doi:10.32604/cmc.2022.028942
4Yuping Deng, Tao Wu*, Xi Chen, Amir Homayoon Ashrafzadeh,Multi-Classification and Distributed Reinforcement Learning-Based Inspection Swarm Offloading Strategy,Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 2022, 34(2), 1157-1174.https://doi.org/10.32604/iasc.2022.022606
5X. Chen, T. Wu*, G. Sun, and H. Yu,“Software-Defined MANET Swarm for Mobile Monitoring in Hydropower Plants,”IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 152243–152257, 2019. (SCI 2区,影响因子4.098)
6Tao Wu, Lei Xie1, Xi Chen , Amir Homayoon Ashrafzadeh , Shu Zhang *,A Novel Quantum-behaved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm,Computers, Materials & Continua,Vol.63, No.2, 2020, pp.873-890,doi:10.32604/cmc.2020.07478 (SCI 2区IF:3.024)
7Peng Bo, Lei Xie andTaoWu*, A Magnetic Resonance Imaging Denoising Technique Using Non-Local Means and Unsupervised Learning, International Journal of Information and Communication Technology.
8Tao Wu, Lei Xie, Xi Chen, Jia He. Dual Sub-swarm Interaction QPSO Algorithm Based on Different Correlation Coefficients, AutomatiKa, 2018.05, doi: 10.1080/00051144.2018.1454732 (SCI IF:0.380)
9Chen Xi; Wu Junlei;Wu Tao*,The Top-K QoS-aware Paths Discovery for Source Routing in SDN,KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems,2018, (SCI IF:0.452)
10Chen Xi; Wu Tao*, Region Segmentation Model for Wireless Sensor Networks Considering Optimal Energy Conservation Constraints, Cluster Computing, 2018.02, doi.org/10.1007/s10586-018-1788-9 (SCI IF:2.040)
11Chen Xi;Wu Tao*; Xie Lei, The Declarative and Reusable Path Composition for Semantic Web-Driven SDN, IEICE - Transactions on Communications, 2018.03, (SCI IF:0.827)
12Tiejun Wang,Tao Wu*, Amir Homayoon Ashrafzadeh, Jia He, Crowdsourcing based Framework for Teaching Quality Evaluation and Feedback Using Linguistic 2-Tuple , Computers, Materials & Continua,2018, (SCI 2区IF:3.024)
13Wu Xi, Ting Wang, Jianfeng Jiang,Tao Wu, Jiliu Zhou . Functions of Learning Rate in Adaptive Reward Learning , Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2017.12, (SCI IF:3.209)
14陈曦,张媛,吴涛*,基于语义网技术的SDN建模及网络资源管理接口研究,西南民族大学学报(自然科学版), 2017 , 43 (4) :386-395
15Tao Wu; Xi Chen; Yusong Yan,Study of On-Ramp PI Controler based on Dural Group QPSO with Different Well Centers Algorithm, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015.3.11, (2015): 1~8 (SCI IF:0.802)
16吴涛;陈曦;严余松,三元相关性量子行为粒子群优化算法研究,通信学报, 2015.3.15, (03): 1~8
17Xudong Tang, Chen Xue,Tao Wu*, Tiejun Wang, Optimization of Parallel Program Based on Lattice BGK Method, Proceedings of ACM Turing celebration conference, China ,2019, 05.17-2019.05.19
18Xudong Tang,Tao Wu*,Tiejun Wang,Jiliang Wu,Molecular Dynamics Simulation Optimization Based on GROMACS on Sunway TaihuLight,International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Security,2019,07,vol 11633,pp 112-123
19Hongtao Guan, Xiaofeng Dong, Chen Xue, Zhirong Luo, Hao Yang,Tao Wu*, Optimization of POM Based on Parallel Supercomputing Grid Cloud Platform, 2019 7th International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data, China, 2019, 09,49-54
20Chen Xi; Wu Junlei;Wu Tao*, The Semantic Web Approach for the Collaborative Analysis and Visualization of Ethnic Education, The 2018 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design(CSCWD 2018) 2018, 05
21Xie Lei,Tao Wu*,A cooperative denoising method based on total variation and discrete wavelet transform, The 2018 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design(CSCWD 2018)2018,05
22Wenzao Li,Tao Wu*, FRDV:A DTN Routing based on Human Moving Status in Urban Environments, The 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Security (ICCCS 2018), 2018.06
23Lei Xie,Tao Wu*, Xi Wu, Yuhan Zhang,Dan Xiao,Xiaodong Yang,Min Huang, Optimization of GRAPES System Based on Parallel Supercomputing Grid Cloud Platform, 2018 10th International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, 2018.01
24Lei Xie, Changming Zhao, Xi Wu,Tao Wu, Min Huang, Dan Xiao, Mingqing Yao,Chaoyang Xia,The Parallel Speedup Improving Based on Wave field forward Communication Latency Hiding Technology,2018 10th International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, 2018.01
25Wu Tao; Chen Xi; Xie Lei; Qiu Zhongquan, An optimized K-means clustering algorithm based on BC-QPSO for remote sensing image, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2017.7.23-2017.7.28
26Wu Tao; Chen Xi, PageRank-based analysis and visualization of ethnicentrepreneurship and innovation, 2017 2nd International Conference on Image,Vision and Computing (ICIVC), 2017.6.2-2017.6.4
27Wu Tao; Xie Lei; He Jia; Chen Xi, Ternary Correlation Quantum-behaved Particle Swarm Optimization based on Square Potential Well Model, International Conference on Smart Grid and Electrical Automation (ICSGEA), 2017.5.27-2017.5.28
28Chen Xi ;Wu Tao, Towards the Semantic Web Based Northbound Interface for SDN Resource Management, IEEE 11th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), 2017.1.30-2017.2.1
29Chen Xi ; Xie Qi; He Jia,Wu Tao, Data Flow-Oriented Multi-Path Semantic Web Service Composition Using Extended SPARQL, 2017 IEEE 24th International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), 2017.6.25-2017.6.29
30Chen Xi ;Wu Tao, Web service ranking and visualization based on QoS properties and invocation relationships, 2017 2nd International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing (ICIVC), 2017.6.2-2017.6.4